Saturday, October 2, 2010

Zi Xiu Tang FAQs

The Zi Xiu Tang pill system for detoxifying and losing weight often has users wondering how it works. Many Zi Xiu Tang users are finding that the weight loss and detox system works greatly and they want to recommend it to friends, but don't know much about the product. Here are a few questions and answers about Zi Xiu Tang to pass along.

Do you need a multivitamin while taking the supplements?
Everyone should take a multivitamin daily, regardless of using the Zi Xiu Tang pills or not. Our regular diets do not afford us the luxury of time to search out the exact foods and nutrients we need daily to meet the standards our bodies need to function properly. You should take a multi vitamin daily with Zi Xiu Tang to ensure you get the proper nutrients you need while losing weight. Since your appetite will not be as high, you will not eat as much and therefore will not take in all the nutrients you need.
Do I need to exercise more?

There is no need to exercise at all, if you were not doing so before you started the Zi Xiu Tang pills. If you were exercising before, you can continue to do so to continue your regular schedule. However, exercising is not required to lose weight with this product. You will have more energy, so if you choose to exercise, it can be beneficial to you.

Do I have to continue taking the supplements to keep the results?
You do not have to permanently take the pills to keep the weight off. Once you have gotten down to your goal weight, simply take 1 pill a day for one month. After this, you have weaned yourself from the pills and no longer need to take them.
Learn more about losing weight in less than one week with bee pollen supplements!

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